UBSDA Character Test

Glossary of French Terms

Certificate of Natural Aptitude - herding
No preparation for test. Dogs must be between 6-18 months. A passing evaluation is valid for life, and can be used in lieu of a TAN or TATD to meet entry requirements for sujet recomendes.

Certificat de Sociabilite et d'Aptitude a l'Utilisation - Certificate of Sociability and Working Aptitude. Compulsary before taking the TAN or TATD. Equivalent to CGC

Test of Natural Aptitude - defense (Character Test)

Test for Trained Defense - defense (Character Test for dogs trained in protection)

Class Utilisation (Working Class)
Entry requires proof of title earned (Tracking 2, Exc B, RCI 1, Brevet of Work in Ring, Mondioring, Campagne, or Herding). RCI is the French equivalent to schutzhund, so IPO or SchH titles would compare
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